Friday, March 13, 2009


I am so excited to say that I am in the planning stage of a 2 week international vacation to Europe! My guy and I will be hitting Venice Italy for a couple days, then Paris, before finally ending in Barcelona, Spain. This is a once in a lifetime experience and I will be keeping you guys updated!

This will be my first real vacation, which does NOT include camping trips and/or theme parks. I did spend a few quarters studying at a college in Japan, but I wouldn't consider a vacation either (seeing as I worked the whole time studying, writing essays, preparing speeches, doing home stays, and getting invited to every coordinated event to embarrass myself in front of the Japanese people). This vacation is going to be great, mostly because it is so unscripted. No guides or interpreters, cruises or mass tours here.

Having been abroad before, traveling the world is such an exciting, eye-opening experience. Who knows? Maybe one day I will retire to an coastal village and make my living off the land. In fact, I am perfectly fine with that right now as long as I can bring my laptop :)

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